Over AHC Cawi

Degelijk, Duurzaam en Doelmatig

About us

AHC Staltechniek in Hengelo (Gld) and Cawi Stalinterieur from Zelhem - two companies specializing in barn equipment for pig farming - merged into one company around the turn of the century: AHC CAWI Staltechniek. With the enormous accumulated knowledge, years of experience and the products and systems developed in-house, both companies complemented each other perfectly. We are therefore known as a solid total furnisher, who, as an experienced partner, provides you with advice, action and numerous innovative solutions.


AHC Cawi Steltechniek BV started as Cawi, which was founded in 1969 and specialized in the development and production of housing for pig farming. In 2000 Cawi merged with AHC Staltechniek. A colleague with many years of experience in the same industry, equipped with his own modern and automated production department for tubular rod and sheet steel. Since then the company has operated under the name AHC Cawi Staltechniek BV and stands for proven knowledge and experience. Cawi Pigfarm Solutions is the division for design and development of the barn equipment. In addition to the various types of housing, this also includes the feed and water supply.

In de afgelopen 50 jaar hebben wij meerdere nieuwe producten en vindingen op de markt gebracht. Een bekend product van ons is “CARAS”; een voedingssysteem voor groepshuisvesting van biggen en vleesvarkens. Daarnaast ontwikkelde en vervaardigde AHC CAWI het ACF Technofeed” De ‘Intellegent feeder’, bedoeld voor groeps- en individueel voeren van zeugen.

AHC Cawi now

To date, AHC Cawi Staltechniek is known as the manufacturer of all kinds of equipment for pig farming. All systems are sustainable, solid and animal-friendly and of course comply with the latest EU welfare requirements and regulations. We have also not forgotten the animal caretakers. The systems must of course also be “ergonomic”. Even for organic production there is the necessary knowledge and experience. For this we offer special, adapted housing systems. In addition to a complete package of barn equipment, feed and water supply, AHC CAWI Staltechniek can also take care of your barn design. Incl. advice for climate and manure removal systems.ergonomisch” te zijn. Zelfs voor biologische productie is er de nodige kennis en ervaring. Hiervoor bieden wij speciale, hiervoor aangepaste huisvestingssystemen. Naast een compleet pakket stalinrichting, voer- en watervoorziening kan AHC CAWI Staltechniek ook uw stal-ontwerp verzorgen. Incl. advies voor klimaat- en mestafvoer systemen.

AHC Cawi Staltechniek BV in Hengelo is the only company in the Netherlands that offers such a wide range of possibilities. We are not a large company, but we still function as a partner for modern steel technology in several countries. Recently, the company has carried out projects in Germany, Bulgaria, Japan, China, Canada, South Africa and Australia. The company will increasingly focus on Eastern Europe and the Balkan region.

Nedap Voersystemen AHC Cawi Staltechniek Stalinrichting Varkenshouderij Varkens Stallen Hengelo Toelevering Constructiewerk

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