Realization of products
If you have designed or want to have metal products designed but do not have the machines to produce this yourself, you can contact Cawi to realize your products. From special fastening rings to making artworks, we have years of experience in supplying the most diverse products. All over the world parts of us are used to make a product function as well as possible. Think of sheet metal, construction work, bending work and assembly of products. plaatwerk, constructiewerk, buigwerk en assemblage van producten.
Ook het tekenen/ontwerpen van deze producten kunnen wij voor u uitvoeren. Wij denken graag mee om een goed product te ontwikkelen. Onze engineering zal uw ontwerp vakkundig omzetten in een 3D tekening zodat er een duidelijk beeld ontstaat van het eindresultaat. Wilt u uw productie volledig uit handen geven? AHC Cawi kan uw product ook samenstellen, assembleren, verzinken en monteren/afleveren bij de klant.
Cawi International owns a professional bending machine that makes 3D bending possible. This allows you to produce slightly cheaper and more efficiently and prevents sharp corners and/or extra welding.
For serial work, you can also outsource your welding to our welding robot. The welding robot is equipped with two workstations so that it can continue continuously. This makes it possible to work quickly and efficiently. In addition, you are guaranteed a continuous quality.